Spiritual-Life Integration Reading vs. Traditional and Conventional Psychic Readings

In Traditional and Conventional Psychic Readings, a psychic gathers information about the client by intuitively perceiving information about the client using clairvoyance (clear-seeing) and telepathy (mind to mind communication). It may include information that is already in your mind and also extraordinary information about your situation. Many people visit a psychic because they want to know the future, known as precognition, but it can be a tricky thing to accomplish without Spiritual guidance.

A psychic can also access a person’s auric field and sometimes discovers information about the client. This may include memories and information about the person’s feelings, fears or thoughts. Their insights may be limited to the material world and not Angel or Spirit communication. A psychic reading can be very helpful as a mirror of yourself and shed light on your unconscious.

A traditional psychic is great at looking at your memories and thoughts to see where you are at and may be able to help in guiding you to understanding yourself and where you are at in any given situation.

Spiritual-Life Integration Reading

Is there something that you feel you want to do but can’t? Are you confused about the direction you want to take? Are there areas in your life that just don’t work?

You are in the right place. What a relief. I am here to help you to understand why you have the pain and misunderstandings in your life, or maybe health, financial or relationship issues.You may ask: why am I here? What is my purpose? How can I have the life I want and need? Am I on the right track? Are my kids going to be ok? Will I find someone? are many of the questions you may be asking yourself. Sometimes you just want to go Home. Don’t do that, come and see how I can help you get on the best path for you, solve those problems, help with the pain and get your health on track.

The best place to start is with a Spiritual-Life Integration Reading. I know what you are thinking, what’s that? How can it help?

Above you read about a conventional psychic reading. There is nothing wrong with one of those, they can be quite helpful. I am able to add more to the traditional reading, much more. The intuitive, spiritually guided more. Bringing in the big help. I connect to many beings of love and light including but not limited to:  Angels, guides, passed on loved ones and pets, Ascended Masters, Archangels, spirits of loving intent and Spirit. I then can get to the root of the situation or circumstance in a gentle, kind, loving and compassionate way.

Spiritual-Life Integration uses Intuitive Energetic Analysis (connection to you, your auric field, your physical body, your Spiritual Team, etc. even before the reading) and dialogue (you ask me questions) to gather what the issue or issues are and provide comprehensive solutions. Moving beyond the material world of memory and mind contact to enlighten or improve the concern or condition on all levels and layers, present or past life. With active listening with the physical senses as well as the intuitive senses more information can be revealed.

Spiritual-Life Integration provides the foundation for moving forward in all areas of life or simply those of the greatest concern. SLI provides re-organizational healing which helps you to re-organize resources to create something new in your life, a sense of connection with yourself and others.

Timelines can be discovered in order to understand how the present course of action will produce certain results, or by changing the course of action and by making better choices, how the timeline may be changed. No timeline is etched in stone and can be changed by free will or different choices.

Spiritual-Life Integration can provide a sense of clarity, a sense of being on the right path, or a confirmation of doing well on the journey thus far. SLI creates a feeling of completeness at the end of the session with a sense of being lighter and feeling more content knowing that everything happens the way it is supposed to. SLI can answer those long standing questions that have been keeping us from our true self and our truth. It can give a sense of freedom and calmness in the chaos of the challenges in life. SLI fosters a sense of being empowered and unstoppable.

Spiritual-Life Integration may not be for everyone, but if you are looking for the building block for the future, a way to live life in a more peaceful, connected more fulfilling way, I can help.

SLI is also somewhere to start. I have many programs to take you on your journey of transformation to suit you or your budget. Services, courses, meditations and other things to continue your journey. If I feel that some other method or practitioner can help or is better equipped to help, I can let you know. Other practitioners refer their clients to me because they know of my straightforward, honest approach with compassion and integrity added in, provides people with the clarity and direction that they need, especially when they are stuck or alone. Or want to belong, because those with gifts feel that they don’t belong in this harsh world. I am here to tell you that you do belong, you are the one that does, the sheeple are the ones who need you on your path.

It is recommended for your first reading that you book an hour because time flies and there may be lots to cover!

Rev. Barbara offers Spiritual-Life Integration Readings in person, or through e-mail, phone or Skype. International orders are welcome! Please contact me to book a session, or to ask your questions for an e-mail reading (email, phone or Skype sessions must be paid in advance). Thank You!

You can pay through PayPal here (for in-person, email, Skype or phone sessions), or by cash, cheque, VISA, MasterCard or Debit for in-person sessions, or by etransfer:

Spiritual-Life Integration Reading

30 minutes

Price $50.00 + HST: $56.50

Spiritual-Life Integration Reading

60 minutes

Price $100.00 + HST: $113.00

Spiritual-Life Integration Reading

90 minutes

Price $150.00 + HST: $169.50

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