Would you like to feel better about making decisions? Would you want to be able to harness the ability to see things more clearly? Would you like to know how your inner compass works? And how to use it for others too? This is a workshop geared towards people who...
Magnified Healing® No Charge Introduction
At this no charge introduction you will discover: How Magnified Healing® can help you manifest the life you desire or the dreams that you would like to realize now, why MH is different from other modalities, how MH can be used to heal your pain and that of others: issues,...
Rexy, Alicia and Good Vibrations
Once upon a time, there was a dog named Rexy, he was a border collie who had been rescued by his owner Alicia. He was a smart dog, as dogs go, and he had noticed lately that Alicia seemed more agitated and upset, he didn’t know why. “Oh Rexy,” Alicia...
Angel Communication Playshop – Breakthrough Centre in Brampton
Come and have some fun with the Angels! Have you ever wondered why you see dimes or feathers in odd places, or numbers that repeat themselves? Have you ever felt like there was someone helping you with your decisions or keeping you out of harm’s way? You are not alone....
Angel Communication Playshop – Rock Shop in Bolton
Come and have some fun with the Angels! Have you ever wondered why you see dimes or feathers in odd places, or numbers that repeat themselves? Have you ever felt like there was someone helping you with your decisions or keeping you out of harm’s way? You are not alone....
Magic Circle – Rock Shop in Bolton
We are all searching. Searching for ta place to feel safe, understood and supported on our journey. With like-minded people who would like to explore Spirituality without judgement and with room for growth and learning. Open to everyone and all stages of enlightenment. Magic Circle is a place along the...
Magic Circle Complimentary Introduction – Rock Shop in Bolton
Magic Circle is a gathering of like-minded people who would like to explore their spirituality in a safe, comfortable, understanding and supportive place. This Introduction will allow you to see what Magic Circle is about and feel if it is right for you.