If you are looking for healing on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual areas, look no further. Rev. Barbara offers this modality of healing complimentary to you.
Magnified Healing® is a healing modality taught by Kwan Yin who is loving and compassionate and it is a 5th dimensional healing.
It clears lower energies, connects us to our higher self, our purpose, the universe and the earth. It leaves us feeling whole and at peace in a very profound way. Magnified Healing® is very gentle, loving, and intense and it works on deep levels. It is as its name states: healing that is magnified one thousand fold by the God Most High of the Universe. It is the same energy that the Ascended Masters use to heal the earth and humanity
Unique to Magnified Healing® is that you are one with the energy, unlike other healing modalities where you channel the energy, you are one with it, you become Magnified Healing®. This can be a very powerful healing, for both yourself and those you treat. It comes directly from source.
Rev. Barbara offers this healing modality to anyone who needs it. You can recommend yourself, family or friends for healing. Explicit permission is required, and if this cannot be obtained, it is sent to the person’s higher self. Pets are included too!
She requires the full name of the person to be able to direct it to the right person. Magnified Healing can also be sent to a situation, an appointment, a relationship, a medical appointment, etc.
Rev. Barbara offers Magnified Healing remotely. It is completed at the beginning of the day after she completes her personal practice. International orders are welcome!
To contact Rev. Barbara and let her know what you need, please call or text 416-705-5292, or click on Contact Me.